We don’t just cover Oxford and surrounding areas, we carry out drone surveys over a wide area.
You can see below a recreational flight carried out near the A41, on the edge of Aylesbury. We captured some local HS2 works, a wind turbine and the Berryfields estate on the Bicester side of Aylesbury.
Drone Services in Aylesbury and Surrounding Areas
There a some great views in this area, and lots of open space.
Some of the flights we’ve carried out in this area include just for fun flights like the video above but also tracking modified cars autonomously, commercial roof inspections even a flight over a pub to help them obtain a Tens Licence (they needed an up to date aerial image to help their application and we were happy to oblige).
If you need an unmanned roof, chimney or building survey in or around Aylesbury, feel free to get in touch for a free quote!
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